#1 | Pups and the Kitty-tastrophe | |
#2 | Pups Save a Train | |
#3 | Pup Pup Boogie | |
#4 | Pups in a Fog | |
#5 | Pups Save the Sea Turtles | |
#6 | Pups and the Very Big Baby | |
#7 | Pups Save the Circus | |
#8 | Pup A Doodle Do |
Tlapková patrola |
Kluk Ryder vede psí smečku záchranářů známou jako Tlapková patrola. Společně plní zapeklité úkoly, aby ochránili pobřežní městečko před zkázou...
#1 | Pups and the Kitty-tastrophe | |
#2 | Pups Save a Train | |
#3 | Pup Pup Boogie | |
#4 | Pups in a Fog | |
#5 | Pups Save the Sea Turtles | |
#6 | Pups and the Very Big Baby | |
#7 | Pups Save the Circus | |
#8 | Pup A Doodle Do |
#13 | Pups Save Gustavo's Guitar + Pups Save the Yoga Goats | |
#15 | Mighty Pups, Super Paws: When Super Kitties Attack |