#1 | Robin Hood and the Sorcerer (1) | |
#2 | Robin Hood and the Sorcerer (2) | |
#3 | The Witch of Elsdon | |
#4 | Seven Poor Knights from Acre | |
#5 | Alan A Dale | |
#6 | The King's Fool |
Robin of Sherwood |
Začiatok vysielania: 1984
Poměrně zajímavé zpracování legendy o Robinu Hoodovi. Pro mladší z vás neznámá věc, pro starší takřka kult. Seriál se brzy stal fenoménem, avšak po příchodu nového hlavního hrdiny upadl v zapomění. I přes to si ale zaslouží vzpomínku...
#1 | Robin Hood and the Sorcerer (1) | |
#2 | Robin Hood and the Sorcerer (2) | |
#3 | The Witch of Elsdon | |
#4 | Seven Poor Knights from Acre | |
#5 | Alan A Dale | |
#6 | The King's Fool |
#1 | The Prophecy | |
#2 | The Children of Israel | |
#3 | Lord of the Trees | |
#4 | The Enchantment | |
#5 | The Swords of Wayland (1) | |
#6 | The Swords of Wayland (2) | |
#7 | The Greatest Enemy |
#1 | Herne's Son (1) | |
#2 | Herne's Son (2) | |
#3 | The Power of Albion | |
#4 | The Inheritance | |
#5 | The Sheriff of Nottingham | |
#6 | The Cross of St. Ciricus | |
#7 | Cromm Cruac | |
#8 | The Betrayal | |
#9 | Adam Bell | |
#10 | The Pretender | |
#11 | Rutterkin | |
#12 | The Time of the Wolf (1) | |
#13 | The Time of the Wolf (2) |
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