Lovci draků |
Je to zvláštny svet budúcnosti. Svet, v ktorom ľudia žijú na lietajúcich ostrovoch spojených mostami. Na každom ostrove žijú ľudia, ale aj jedinečné príšery, ktoré ľudia nazývajú drakmi. Lian Chu a Gwizdo sú postrachom týchto drakov. Vydajme sa spolu s nimi na cestu po týchto prazvláštnych ostrovoch a sledujme ich zápas s drakmi, aby priniesli ľuďom pokoj..
#1 | Dragontagious | |
#2 | The Borbacks' Cemetery | |
#3 | The Shipwrecker | |
#4 | Treasure Rock | |
#5 | Dragon in the Hearth | |
#6 | The Cure | |
#7 | The High Life | |
#8 | Farewell, Lian Chu | |
#9 | Porkfester's Pigfarm Island | |
#10 | The Stuff of Dreams | |
#11 | Baby in the Family | |
#12 | She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not... She Loves Me! | |
#13 | The Sweetypie Clause | |
#14 | Agheegoo | |
#15 | Combat Spores | |
#16 | The Convoy | |
#17 | The Legend of the Rain Dragon | |
#18 | By the Book | |
#19 | Drago Menta | |
#20 | The Grand Tournament | |
#21 | The Body Beautiful | |
#22 | City Bound | |
#23 | The Master of the Dragon | |
#24 | Hell Around Town | |
#25 | Ghost Hunters | |
#26 | The Red Dragon |