#1 | Pilot | |
#2 | The Dark Road | |
#3 | A Damn Shame | |
#4 | The Cancer | |
#5 | Dog Soldier | |
#6 | The Worst Kind of Hunter | |
#7 | 8 Seconds | |
#8 | An Incredibly Beautiful Thing | |
#9 | Dogs, Horses, and Indians | |
#10 | Unfinished Business |
Longmire | |
Drsný šerif |
Začiatok vysielania: 2012
Absaroka ve Wyomingu je svérázný kraj na hranici divočiny. Najdete tu indiánskou rezervaci s původními obyvateli, krásnou přírodu, a pokud vás to nezaujme, najdete tu i takové výdobytky civilizace, jako jsou striptýzové kluby, organizovaný zločin, dokonce i trochu té politiky. S tím vším si musí poradit zkušený, zaprášený, kloboukem a kalibrem .45 vyzbrojený šerif Longmire. V případě potřeby volejte přímo na stanici, šerif totiž nevlastní mobil.
#1 | Pilot | |
#2 | The Dark Road | |
#3 | A Damn Shame | |
#4 | The Cancer | |
#5 | Dog Soldier | |
#6 | The Worst Kind of Hunter | |
#7 | 8 Seconds | |
#8 | An Incredibly Beautiful Thing | |
#9 | Dogs, Horses, and Indians | |
#10 | Unfinished Business |
#1 | Unquiet Mind | |
#2 | Carcasses | |
#3 | Death Came in Like Thunder | |
#4 | The Road to Hell | |
#5 | Party's Over | |
#6 | Tell It Slant | |
#7 | Sound and Fury | |
#8 | The Great Spirit | |
#9 | Tuscan Red | |
#10 | Election Day | |
#11 | Natural Order | |
#12 | A Good Death is Hard to Find | |
#13 | Bad Medicine |
#1 | The White Warrior | |
#2 | Of Children and Travelers | |
#3 | Miss Cheyenne | |
#4 | In the Pines | |
#5 | Wanted Man | |
#6 | Reports of My Death | |
#7 | Population 25 | |
#8 | Harvest | |
#9 | Counting Coup | |
#10 | Ashes to Ashes |
#1 | Down by the River | |
#2 | War Eagle | |
#3 | High Noon | |
#4 | Four Arrows | |
#5 | Help Wanted | |
#6 | The Calling Back | |
#7 | Highway Robbery | |
#8 | Hector Lives | |
#9 | Shotgun | |
#10 | What Happens On The Rez... |
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