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Kto by nepoznal slávnych hrdinov dobrodružnej Knihy džunglí? Jednou z najobľúbenejších postáv bol múdry medveď Balú, ktorý spolu s panterom Bagírom pomáhal malému Mauglímu uniknúť pred smrtonosnými zvieracími nepriateľmi - vlkom Akélom, hadom Haa a tigrom Šer-chánom. Populárny medveď Balú sa stal ústredným hrdinom ďalšieho seriálu z produkcie Walta Disneho. Odohráva sa na ostrovčekoch Tichého oceánu v tridsiatych rokov minulého storočia. Medveď Balú pracoval ako pilot lietadla v neprosperujúcej

Séria 1
#1 Plunder and Lightning Part 1
#2 Plunder and Lightning Part 2
#3 Plunder and Lightning Part 3
#4 Plunder and Lightning Part 4
#5 From Here to Machinery
#6 It Came From Beneath the Sea Duck
#7 Time Waits for No Bear
#8 Mommy for a Day
#9 I Only Have Ice for You
#10 Molly Coddled
#11 Polly Wants a Treasure
#12 Vowel Play
#13 The Idol Ric
#14 Stormy Weather
#15 Bearly Alive
#16 Her Chance to Dream
#17 All\'s Whale That Ends Whale
#18 The Golden Sprocket of Friendship
#19 For a Fuel Dollars More
#20 A Bad Reflection on You, Part 1
#21 A Bad Reflection on You, Part 2
#22 On a Wing and a Bear
#23 A Star is Torn
#24 A Touch of Glass
#25 The Bigger They Are, the Louder They Oink
#26 A Spy in the Ointment
#27 The Balooest of the Bluebloods
#28 A Baloo Switcheroo
#29 Whistlestop Jackson, Legend
#30 Double or Nothing
#31 Feminine Air
#32 Last Horizons
#33 Flight of the Snow Duck
#34 Save the Tiger
#35 The Old Man and the Sea Duck
#36 War of the Wierds
#37 Captains Outrageous
#38 The Time Bandit
#39 For Whom the Bell Klangs, Part 1
#40 For Whom the Bell Klangs, Part 2
#41 Citizen Khan
#42 Gruel and Unusual Punishment
#43 A Jolly Molly Christmas
#44 My Fair Baloo
#45 Waiders of the Wost Tweasure
#46 Flight School Confidential
#47 Bringing Down Babyface
#48 Jumping the Guns
#49 In Search of Ancient Blunders
#50 Louie\'s Last Stand
#51 Sheepskin Deep
#52 Pizza Pie in the Sky
#53 Baloo Thunder
#54 Bullethead Baloo
#55 Destiny Rides Again
#56 Mach One for the Gipper
#57 Stuck on You
#58 The Sound and the Furry
#59 The Ransom of Red Chimp
#60 The Road to Macadamia
#61 Your Baloo\'s in the Mail
#62 Paradise Lost
#63 The Incredible Shrinking Molly
#64 Bygones
#65 Flying Dupes